"Other applications don't
allow for multiple members to join in a HIPAA-compliant setting, but Zoom does.
Doctor, patient, and family members can be in the conversation."
「在符合 HIPAA 規定的環境中,其他應用程式不允許多個成員加入,但 Zoom 可以。醫生、患者和家庭成員可聚在一起交談。」
「為什麼選取 Zoom?符合 HIPAA 規定,這是最重要的一點。再加上患者們也很喜歡。」
「Zoom 提升了照顧網路健康站的價值,因為照顧經理可有效地收集更多有關照顧和狀況的資訊。」
「Zoom 無疑是我們測試過的最好的軟體。Zoom 至少能與市場上大部分更為昂貴的平台持平,甚至有時還能超越他們。」
Virtual Photo Walks
「Zoom 符合 HIPAA 規定,這一點很重要。使用很方便,在低頻寬環境下也能工作,私密而且安全。」
「我們測試過各家公司的許多產品...最後發現,Zoom 提供了最經濟實惠、技術高超及美好的產品。」
"Before rolling Zoom in 2013, it sometimes took ECHO from 6 to 18 months from the time of signing up a new partner to having the legacy system purchased, installed, people trained, and everything operational. With Zoom, ECHO now takes less than 18 seconds to provision an account for a new ECHO partner and about a month to become operational." 閱讀更多內容
"Zoom enabled people in access-challenged geographies get proper mental healthcare that they simply wouldn’t be able to get otherwise." 閱讀更多內容
"We knew that Zoom was HIPAA compliant. And for us, that HIPAA compliancy is an important piece of any communications platform."
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